Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sentient beings Brighter!

Posted by ADMIN at 1:29 PM
Thomas Edison was a scientist in the world. About a hundred and twenty years had passed since he found the light bulb. In this period, the bulb has become an important part of human life. Today, millions of tiny light bulbs illuminated together major cities around the world. Lighting becomes an important symbol of this civilization.However, there are other sources of illumination. We certainly never come across a small light that illuminates the darkness of night. The light was so strong and bright, but the source of lighting is very different from the light bulb. Even he did not object, but a living creature. He is a firefly.

These little creatures produce light in his body even though it has no bulb. Although not using electricity, it has a much more powerful technology. This technology is more effective than bulb that can change the course of ten percent of its energy into light, while the remaining ninety percent of the change and disappear into heat.

In contrast, firefly is able to produce nearly one hundred percent of the light of available energy. This is because a perfect design in the light-producing system has. His body contains a special chemical called lusiferin, and an enzyme called lusiferase. To produce light, two chemicals are mixed, and this mixture produces energy in the form of light. These complex molecules have been designed specifically to emit light. The placement of each atom that make up the molecule have been determined in accordance with this objective. There is no doubt that the design of this biochemistry is not a coincidence. He deliberately created specifically.

But, to what makes fireflies light through such advanced technology. To find the answer to this question, we must look closer to a flock of fireflies. A group of fireflies in large numbers, up to hundreds of thousands, in the evening led to a view that makes us like I was walking under the stars.

Light is very important for the fireflies as a means of communication. Throughout history, humans have used various means to communicate. One is the Morse code, which consists of a combination of long and short signals, and used in telegrams. Fireflies use light signals to communicate, the way that resembled Morse code.

Male firefly lit and extinguished the light to send a message to the female. This message contains a specific code. And female fireflies use the same code to send a reply message to the male. As a result of this reciprocal message, the male and female approach each other.

From the moment he was born, each of fireflies to know how to send a message in this way, and how to understand the messages sent by others. In short, each of the thousands of fireflies that we see together in the darkness of night is a miracle of creation. 

For several nights in the Bermuda Triangle, the light show was in progress. A few moments after sunset, dazzling light appeared on the surface of the sea. This light comes from a female marine worms that are on the surface. The female mixing two chemicals he produces in his body. This creature knows how to use chemicals to produce light with an amazing way. The end result is an amazing light show. Female worms do this to attract the attention of the male. The creature that was approaching with his little bright light is the male sea worms. Ten minutes later, the sea surface has been covered by hundreds of females that emit bright light. If the moon came out from behind the clouds and illuminate the surface of the sea, they return to the depths of the ocean. Twenty minutes later the show ended.

If we want to see the real place, where animals use light to communicate, then we must go into the darkest places on earth, namely the ocean floor. Submarines are designed specifically to be able to dive to a depth of six hundred meters. Sunlight can not penetrate depths below two hundred meters. This is where the most dark places on earth. The pressure twenty times higher than at sea level. Buddy may be thinking that nothing could live in this condition. But an incredible view appears when a signal light visible from outside the submarine. Suddenly the light from the darkness of the ocean floor, in other words there are living things that respond to light with light, and communicate by means emitting light in this darkness.

At the bottom of the ocean are amazing creatures that emit red light. It is a jellyfish. Light show from the other species in the upper part of the show resembles a work of art. The show can be enjoyed in full after the submarine lights turned off. The view that emerges is the fascinating variety of creatures that glow with the light generated by itself. There is a kind of sea creatures swimming-pool while transmitting light with no one knows what the function of this light.

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