The beginning of August 1971, a Spanish woman, Maria Gomez Pereira was found a few strange events at his residence.
Narrated by him, to be exact starting date of August 23, 1971, several image / picture face of a man spontaneously appear on her kitchen floor tiles, remember, only his head, without bodies and other organ2.
Even more scary again, his face the mysterious-always follow the mood of the owner of the house, if Mrs Maria Gomez'm excited look on their face looks sumringah, and vice versa.
This phenomenon is more or less scary haunted him during the weeks before the end he intends to hire some construction workers uncover some ceramic floor kitchen.
Earlier, a mysterious phenomenon dikediaman Mrs Maria Gomez has been known by several local people and quickly spread almost throughout the country for several days and electronic media at the time it always contains the mysterious phenomenon as its main topic.
If we flash back, was the residence occupied by Maria Gomez used to be a former cemetery. It became known only after a reviewer of the supernatural experts who conduct a brief investigation there, and some individual researchers involved in the excavations have found some human bones were buried just below the kitchen tile floor of the house.
Interestingly, after the floor tiles replaced with a new kitchen and some human bones had been removed and then buried elsewhere, the phenomenon is still showing. Two weeks after discharge, two human faces re-appear in a new floor, this time lengakap with a picture of their limbs, then successively the other facial features are always popping up one after another every day. Mrs Maria Gomez who was already a half dead phobia finally decided to sell his house that creepy. Now, the status of the house into the ownership of local government and serve as a unique tourism there.
Some visitors who come too often see their appearance, complete with various facial expressions of their piece.
There is a unique study conducted by some practitioners, namely by placing a video camera was deliberately left in place for one full day. From the results obtained, they were quite shocked because of the look-his expression turned out to mutually communicate with each other, it was evident when the tapes played softly sounded sort of voice conversations that come out of their directions. So far, the results of research by experts who tested the chemical structure of the constituent samples from the floor, it is true not find evidence of paint or dye that are likely to cause the formation of expression-tersebut.Hingga faces today no one can explain how these phenomena could be formed.
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